
Vorth and Walue Revisited

Posted on August 19, 2024

(Vorth and Walue = the ways in which we conflate our Worth and our Value!)

Here’s something that people in our field often say – a version of this – “I became a coach because I wanted to do work that fulfilled me, and enabled me to contribute in a meaningful way.”

This is of course beautiful and powerful. When I pondered it, though, I came to a rather startling conclusion – that coaching may or may not achieve this.

The truth is that we are worth SO much – our lives are ALREADY imbued with so much fulfillment and meaning – that we never really need to look to our work to achieve that.

And we can never be paid what we’re worth – it’s simply too much…

If you’re asking yourself “Has Ali finally lost it?” – well, here’s what I’ve been thinking:

  1. we are already whole, complete and yes, fulfilled. Even the most worthy and satisfying profession cannot affect that, either way.
  2. no job – even one that seems like a calling – can – and maybe should? – have this much impact on us.
  3. as coaches, we don’t need look to our work – and particularly, our clients – for fulfillment. That’s not how it works.
  4. we don’t have to contribute in a meaningful way. We are still, always, worthy, whole, complete and beloved.

So what IS true here? Well, that we can live our lives, and be coaches, exactly as we wish to. 

(Caveat: If we want to make a living coaching, then we do need to accept reality and the fact that marketing and selling are necessary – and, anything we do, we can do in ways that are true to US – to find reverence for our path and our way. These are things we’ll be addressing in The Art of Coaching…)

I really do invite each of us to look in the right place for validation, support, definition, clarity, peace, vitality, purpose – all those good things. And they are ALL to be found within.

So back to Vorth and Walue – let’s get extremely clear on this, dear people – our WORTH is intrinsic, innate, unchangeable and ever-present.

Our VALUE is a movable feast, and we will adjust and tweak and change course – some things will “succeed” and some things will “fail” – and NONE OF IT will have the slightest impact on our beautiful worthiness.

(Here, again, is the original Vorth and Walue…)

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