
Coaches and the Balanced Life (an end to Overwhelm)

Posted on September 20, 2024

Question: who benefits when we are exhausted, overwhelmed and run ragged by our beloved work?

Answer: nobody – not our clients, and certainly not us!

You know, when I look back at the first few years of my coaching life – I seem to have believed that in order to make a go of my new career, I needed to be working WAY beyond my own actual time and energy capacity.

Eventually I ran out of energy and realized this wasn’t sustainable at ALL.

Here’s what I firmly believe: We are available to do our best, most effective and transformational work when we are fully living our most beautiful, authentic lives.

This does NOT mean that we have to have impeccable, “perfect” lives to be effective coaches. In fact, if “live it to give it” is a kind of coaching mantra (and for me it is) – then it’s worth considering what that might mean.

IF we truly desire to meet our clients where they are – in a place of true common humanity, empathy and compassion – then that has to include transparency about our own hard times, challenges and yes, even trauma, doesn’t it? Not only the good times.

As coaches, we may think we’ve “failed” – or we’ll be SEEN to have failed – if we have challenges. And, yet, that’s what life is all about – we know we’re truly alive when life happens around us, to us and for us.

And also – how very important it is that we define success for ourselves. Let’s not assume we already know what success will look like for us, because it won’t be the same as for anyone else.

So, for each of us, to deeply know our values – what matters most to us, and is most deeply held – is critical. This is how we find ease and flow and that wonderful sense of rightness – that we are comfortable in our skin, no longer feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout.

Perfectionism – not our friend!

I worked in a very male-dominated world for decades. One of the side-effects was a strong sense of perfectionism. The idea that we are never good enough is pervasive, especially among women.

I love and honor my profession of coaching – AND I want all of us to be free of any toxic thinking about who we “should” be, and what we “should” be achieving.

Further up the page I placed the word “perfect”, referring to our lives, in inverted commas. Why?

Because my life IS perfect, in all its imperfection. We are fully and wholly human. The work we do – within our own capacity – MUST be enough – because its our work, and WE are enough.

Values; success; enough-ness and the end of shame; taking courage to be seen and witnessed just as we are – all will be addressed in The Art of Coaching!

Written by: Ali Duffey
View my bio.

You might be interested in The Art of Coaching mastermind group – launching next in November!

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