
THE ART OF COACHING – a Mastermind for Coaches



You’ve become a coach because you’re curious and committed and you want to be of service and have an impact on the world. You want to reach the right people, increase your sales, and have happy repeat clients.

Often, you’ve known success in other fields, but you’ve wanted more – more connection, more flexibility – somewhere to align more closely with your deeply held values – and coaching ticked all the boxes!

After your training, you launched yourself into the world with courage and excitement. You have all the tools you need – you’ve dug deep into the fundamentals of coaching.

It’s at this point that the ups and downs can begin, for all of us.


Perhaps we realize we’re not sure exactly what we can offer. We find ourselves getting stuck or confused in the middle of a session. We wonder if we’re good enough.

We can become disheartened, or fearful, or question our competency and how much impact we’re having – and we might wonder whether we’re even on the right track.

Overwhelm, and the need to be a “perfect” coach, can lead to paralyzing self-doubt.

Many of us have never run our own business before – so, where do we start, what order do we do things in, how do we market and sell coaching…? It’s a lot!

We struggle to keep all the balls in the air – family, well-being, a job if we have one – and now, coaching.

And along with this comes the unpalatable truth that you can feel very alone in this – as if you’re working, creating, reflecting, trying to get better and be more effective – in a vacuum.

And guess what – you ARE.

Many coaches function as lone wolves.  There are not many places we can go to perpetuate the sense of community we may have felt during coach training.

Want to know what the best antidote to all this is? It’s COMMUNITY. Learning, growing, sharing experiences, tackling tricky coaching issues, and growing our coaching skills and understanding, with a group of motivated, dedicated and creative coaches.

Plus, there’s nothing quite like the support, accountability and clarity that can be gained from growing and learning together.


So I’m introducing The Art of Coaching – Creating the Conditions, a three-month mastermind to support spiritual, entrepreneurial coaches to develop their coaching to be truly powerful, heartfelt and transformational.

The Art of Coaching is led and facilitated by Master-Certified Coach and Mentor Coach Ali Duffey.

That’s me – and, full disclosure – everything I wrote above is true for me. I struggled! I don’t know many coaches who haven’t.

And the struggle can lead to shame, which is never our friend. Shame flourishes, as we know, in the shadows, away from the light. Away from where we speak our truth, unashamedly and unapologetically.

We can feel our spark gradually becoming extinguished.

And, I will tell you this – few things have supported my growth in experience, skills and confidence as a coach as much as group support, encouragement and accountability.

It’s been the best way I know to find clarity and courage; to learn to trust my instincts and my preferences;  to be willing to try and fail, keep going anyway, and to launch myself into the world with the knowledge that someone – or a group of someones – has my back.

As a master coach and coach mentor, I’ve taught, mentored, supervised and, of course, coached, extensively. The bulk of my business involves one-on-one transformational coaching, but – I have the heart of a mentor.

Before I became a coach, I worked in film and television for years, in many genres and on many continents (six of the seven – not the one with the polar bears…)

As I became more and more experienced, I found myself wanting to pass what I knew and what I’d learned on to others, so I was a co-founder of Women in Film and Television (WIFT) Auckland (NZ), and the founder of WIFT Louisiana (both organizations still alive and kicking!)

In addition, I worked for years as a film festival director, and loved working with and training interns and new employees.

When I was first asked to support participants in learning, and the training and education of coaches, it felt like coming home.

As I mentored and supported multiple groups, and individually coached many of them, it became a great joy and sense of satisfaction, which I look forward to bringing to The Art of Coaching.


What’s included in The Art of Coaching?

It’s an opportunity to flourish and grow in your chosen flavor of coaching, alongside peers, with mutual encouragement and feedback, and the support and input of a seasoned master coach (me!)

  • Group meetings (All will be recorded for your review)

The group, this time around, will have no more than eight participants.

In our regularly-scheduled meetings, you’ll have the chance to engage in deep conversation as we explore coaching topics and issues that arise in coaching, plus receive valuable feedback from your mentor coach and your fellow coaches.

There will be deep connection, and room for all that you bring to the call. Yes, we’ll have topics to address and discuss – (I’ll send out little videos in advance to offer some questions we might talk about). But I’ll be meeting you where you are, and we will honor your needs in the moment.

  • One-on-one mentoring sessions with Ali

Here is where you can discuss your coaching strengths and identify areas of growth; receive feedback on the effectiveness of your coaching; explore who you are as a coach; and receive personal coaching on any area of your life.

  • Peer coaching

You’ll be involved in five peer-coaching sessions during the program – one with each of the other participants. There’ll be a suggested format for these, AND each of you will report back on both your coaching and your partner’s.

  • Submit sessions

You’ll be able to submit two recorded coaching sessions to me during the program. I’ll give written feedback, and then, if you want to, we can discuss this during our 1:1 session.

  • An online community

This will enable you to connect deeply with your fellow coaches, for mutual support, encouragement, feedback, and new perspectives.


The Details


Sessions begin on MONDAY JANUARY 13TH.


What You’ll Get

  • A new reverence for your authentic expression as a coach – the knowledge that you’re fulfilling your purpose and doing the work of the soul, for yourself and others.
  • Clarity about who you are as a coach and what the unique flavor of your coaching is.
  • Exposure to new and original perspectives on coaching, and on being a coach.
  • Increased trust in your coaching and your ability to create the conditions for the client’s insight.
  • Increased confidence in your ability to build and maintain a truly sustainable coaching practice that works for you and your unique set of life circumstances.
  • A dedicated circle of peers who are committed to your success and well being.
  • A powerful sense of community and connection.
  • Deep clarity about your truest message for the world, and greater confidence in sharing it with the world.
  • A better understanding of what holds you back, and a deeper appreciation of how to overcome both inner and outer obstacles as you move forward in your coaching career.
  • Inevitable surprises, revelations and insights – group work really is the gift that keeps on giving!


So. The Art of Coaching – Creating the Conditions – what does that mean?

It means:

  1. That we can learn all the coaching tools and techniques in the world, and what will always serve us best is our foundation  – presence, deep listening, curious, powerful, open-ended questions, but also – trust and surrender to the process. It’s almost like magic sometimes. It’s like a dance, a beautiful, perfect, creative and transformational dance. It’s an ART.
  2. Creating the Conditions – many of you have heard me say that coaching is really the art of creating the conditions for the clients’ insight. Why? Because any change, any transformation, comes from the client’s insight – not from our own cleverness, opinions, advice – or OUR insights. So we create the conditions for theirs.

In The Art of Coaching, we’ll hold these ideas dear:

  • We will embrace complexity and nuance.
  • We’ll relish not knowing – beginner’s mind will be our foundation.
  • We’ll recognize the extent to which becoming a great and effective coach requires UN-learning of many, if not most, of our traditional ways of relating to others.
  • We’ll acknowledge that TRUST and ACCEPTANCE are two of our greatest allies in coaching (and in life)
  • We’ll recognize and explore the many paradoxes that exist within coaching (for example, bringing our wisest self to the session, while knowing it’s only the client’s wisdom that matters.)
  • And, last but not least –  we’ll delve deeply into what we can do to keep ourselves going – to nourish, replenish and care for our minds, spirits, bodies and nervous systems – not only so we can be the best coaches we can be, but also because we matter and our well being matters.

If you’ve been wanting to:

  • connect to an encouraging, soulful, coaching circle of your peers
  • receive thoughtful feedback from an experienced Master/Mentor Coach who is deeply committed to your success
  • dig deeply into coaching principles and practices, and build on your profound, foundational skills 
  • work toward your coaching goals and
  • create a workable framework to sustain yourself and your coaching

–  then The Art of Coaching might be for you!

Is The Art of Coaching calling your name?

Oh, and by the way…

I will tell you, dear people, that I don’t always think about coaching, being a coach, and our community of coaches the same way others do.

When we say “Make your coaching practice/business your own” – I really, really mean it.

  • I WANT you to be your most true, pure, maverick self.
  • I LONG for you to get super-clear on who you are as a coach – even if it’s unexpected and singular.
  • I DESIRE (almost as much as you do) for you to create enormous change in this beautiful world.

And I believe you can.

When we say “Your business can look exactly like you want it to” – I really, really mean it.

  • I KNOW you thrive most when you’re living exactly and precisely as your most authentic, purposeful self – and that means, living as you wish to.
  • I BELIEVE that you have it within you to create the most beautiful life – and FULLY inhabit it.
  • I am CERTAIN that when there are challenges (as there are because we’re human), you are equipped to handle them, and THAT process is part of what makes you the transcendent being that you are.

When we say “Live it to give it” – I really, really mean it.

  • I INVITE you to dig deep into yourself, to truly KNOW yourself, and do what it takes to sustain and honor yourself.
  • I KNOW that when we talk about vulnerability, and dissolving shame, and embracing ALL the parts of ourselves – that this is sacred work that we need to do, and will do.

When we talk about a supportive, encouraging circle of coaches – I really, really mean it.

  • In this circle, there will be no room for criticism; for judgement; for shame, or the diminishing of any of us. You will be seen and heard; there will be room for every part of you; you will be held.

I’ve got you.

Questions? Email me at